Nothing like the real thing....
Remember the tune 'there's nothing like the real thing, baby?' :) It's true. The real thing always beats deception. There are two main kinds of deception... fooling others and fooling yourself. Fooling yourself may have the most serious consequences because you have a false sense of security. You say to yourself 'I'm OK' when you're not OK. You begin by knowing better but, after a while, your continued deception convinces your own mind or you say to yourself 'there's time to change.' And then times run out.
The counterfit Christian practices deception of both kinds usually. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. If they talk the talk long enough and well enough, they may not recognize when it is too late to repent, to change and make it real.
Jesus talked about this deception. He said: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."" Further, he said :On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And.. "And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
That is definitely not a speech I want to hear. So, what is he saying? It's not good enough to talk the talk, to pretend. You MUST DO something.... actually repent/change/turn over a new leaf/actually obey the Lord.
It's not good enough to 'believe' only. James, in his letter, wrote, "…Even the demons believe-and shudder." In other words, it's not enough just to believe the right kinds of things. That's just the starting point.
In 1 John 4:1, we are told to 'test the spirits' for truth. So how do you recognize the counterfit Christian? Here are a few ways. You may think of more.
There are: Those who are only superficial in their Christianity.
Those who associate with the wrong people.
Those who continue in worldly sin.. you know the vices I'm talking about.
Those who lie continually for whatever reason or rationalization they come up with to make it look like something else.
Those who think that Christianity is a great thing for the inside; to soothe one's conscience...but that's about it. Their Christianity doesn't affect them practically.
Those who are very particular about good doctrine, but it's only intellectual to them. If you went to their home and privately interviewed their kids, or if you talked to their workmates or neighbours, you'd find he or she doesn't practice what their so passionate about.
Those who may even be busy and active doing church things for the wrong reasons. If you were able to scratch the surface and see underneath the veneer, you'd find that they only serve if it gets them attention. They're really just serving themselves under the pretence of serving God. You find it's just for show and not flowing from a vibrant relationship with the Lord.
Further, they may question God, misquote God, deny God, disobey God, all the time pretending they are 'trying' to be a Christian. You either are or you aren't. You've either believed, repented (changed) and been baptized or you haven't.
Have you honestly examined yourself? Obviously, Jesus is saying that there's a possibility that some are deceiving themselves. I hope it's not you. Remember, you must be a 'doer' of the word, not just a reader or believer.
The counterfit Christian practices deception of both kinds usually. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. If they talk the talk long enough and well enough, they may not recognize when it is too late to repent, to change and make it real.
Jesus talked about this deception. He said: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."" Further, he said :On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And.. "And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
That is definitely not a speech I want to hear. So, what is he saying? It's not good enough to talk the talk, to pretend. You MUST DO something.... actually repent/change/turn over a new leaf/actually obey the Lord.
It's not good enough to 'believe' only. James, in his letter, wrote, "…Even the demons believe-and shudder." In other words, it's not enough just to believe the right kinds of things. That's just the starting point.
In 1 John 4:1, we are told to 'test the spirits' for truth. So how do you recognize the counterfit Christian? Here are a few ways. You may think of more.
There are: Those who are only superficial in their Christianity.
Those who associate with the wrong people.
Those who continue in worldly sin.. you know the vices I'm talking about.
Those who lie continually for whatever reason or rationalization they come up with to make it look like something else.
Those who think that Christianity is a great thing for the inside; to soothe one's conscience...but that's about it. Their Christianity doesn't affect them practically.
Those who are very particular about good doctrine, but it's only intellectual to them. If you went to their home and privately interviewed their kids, or if you talked to their workmates or neighbours, you'd find he or she doesn't practice what their so passionate about.
Those who may even be busy and active doing church things for the wrong reasons. If you were able to scratch the surface and see underneath the veneer, you'd find that they only serve if it gets them attention. They're really just serving themselves under the pretence of serving God. You find it's just for show and not flowing from a vibrant relationship with the Lord.
Further, they may question God, misquote God, deny God, disobey God, all the time pretending they are 'trying' to be a Christian. You either are or you aren't. You've either believed, repented (changed) and been baptized or you haven't.
Have you honestly examined yourself? Obviously, Jesus is saying that there's a possibility that some are deceiving themselves. I hope it's not you. Remember, you must be a 'doer' of the word, not just a reader or believer.
I'm not sure I believe that we can really fool ourselves. Unless we're mentally ill, seems to me we'd know it was a sham. I'm sure I've been guilty of pretending I'm better than I am at times, but I wasn't fooled, nor was God. I think staying in the 'book' keeps one grounded and most honest.
Anonymous, at 1:16 AM
"Depart from me you worker of iniquity..."
Never, ever, never want to hear those words from the Lord.
Probably the most frightening passage in the Bible. Especially since the people mentioned thought they were doing okay.
So, I guess you can fool yourself. Right to hell.
Dan, at 6:58 AM
It is a frightening passage... also the one about lukewarm and being spewed out of his mouth. I don't know if the people really, really thought they were doing okay... or not. Maybe they just did enough to make otherss think they were doing Okay.
Charles, at 4:47 PM
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