It's Heresy
Found this news item today:
Clergy who deny doctrine may face trial for heresy
By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent
(Filed: 15/02/2005)
Clergy who deny the existence of God and other key doctrines could soon face heresy trials in the Church of England.
Proposals to set up tribunals to try doctrinal cases were rejected by the Synod last year but the House of Laity overwhelmingly voted yesterday to reintroduce them.
Members of the House, who were meeting before the full Synod began, criticised liberal clergy for diluting traditional teaching, though one said that they did not propose burning heretics at the stake.
The House of Bishops has independently agreed to reintroduce the proposals, which were defeated by a narrow margin last July after clergy expressed fears that they would be victims of a witchhunt.
Margaret Brown, a lay member from the Chichester diocese, said yesterday that the original proposals had been thrown out partly because they had tried to deal with broad issues such as clergy wearing the incorrect vestments.
"It is far, far worse if we have a clergyman or clergywoman in the pulpit and they are preaching heresy and do not believe in the tenets of the faith, the Virgin Birth, the bodily resurrection of Christ and all the other tenets of the faith," she said.
"What is faith if we do not preach Christ crucified, Christ risen, Christ glorified? We will not get very far in winning souls for Christ, which is what we should be doing all the time.
"Let us make sure the liberals really do preach the word of God."
I'm glad to see it for I'm sick and tired of a watered-down gospel, so watered down that a real Christian won't recognize it. Fact is, if you truly believe in God, the the one true God, not the little man-made gods, you obey him, serve him, worship him (somewhere .. no church, then it's not God you worship, it's something else. God sent His Son for the church he set up. That's the real gospel), obey his commandments, and you endure to the end. He's not a God you can avoid six days a week, or lie to, or pretend to believe, or tell people you believe but you do nothing for, with or about him. He's not a convenient blip on your life register. He is your Lord, your king, your all in all. Or, He should be. If He isn't, you have nothing.
Clergy who deny doctrine may face trial for heresy
By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent
(Filed: 15/02/2005)
Clergy who deny the existence of God and other key doctrines could soon face heresy trials in the Church of England.
Proposals to set up tribunals to try doctrinal cases were rejected by the Synod last year but the House of Laity overwhelmingly voted yesterday to reintroduce them.
Members of the House, who were meeting before the full Synod began, criticised liberal clergy for diluting traditional teaching, though one said that they did not propose burning heretics at the stake.
The House of Bishops has independently agreed to reintroduce the proposals, which were defeated by a narrow margin last July after clergy expressed fears that they would be victims of a witchhunt.
Margaret Brown, a lay member from the Chichester diocese, said yesterday that the original proposals had been thrown out partly because they had tried to deal with broad issues such as clergy wearing the incorrect vestments.
"It is far, far worse if we have a clergyman or clergywoman in the pulpit and they are preaching heresy and do not believe in the tenets of the faith, the Virgin Birth, the bodily resurrection of Christ and all the other tenets of the faith," she said.
"What is faith if we do not preach Christ crucified, Christ risen, Christ glorified? We will not get very far in winning souls for Christ, which is what we should be doing all the time.
"Let us make sure the liberals really do preach the word of God."
I'm glad to see it for I'm sick and tired of a watered-down gospel, so watered down that a real Christian won't recognize it. Fact is, if you truly believe in God, the the one true God, not the little man-made gods, you obey him, serve him, worship him (somewhere .. no church, then it's not God you worship, it's something else. God sent His Son for the church he set up. That's the real gospel), obey his commandments, and you endure to the end. He's not a God you can avoid six days a week, or lie to, or pretend to believe, or tell people you believe but you do nothing for, with or about him. He's not a convenient blip on your life register. He is your Lord, your king, your all in all. Or, He should be. If He isn't, you have nothing.
I don't understand why one would want to be recognized as clergy if he didn't believe God exists?!? How does that happen?
SweetT, at 6:10 PM
Even when I was in seminary a few years ago, there were men (and women) who went who were no more Christian than Saddam Hussein. They choose a career. God did not choose them. Some of the most liberal and decadent men in the world teach in seminary too. It's a disgrace, even worse to me than pedophile priests. They taint and ruin several lives, but these false preachers destroy hundreds, some even thousands. Consider Rev. Spong. God help his soul. There might be a special place in hell for those guys.
Johnny, at 8:19 PM
Something about a millstone comes to mind...
SweetT, at 4:34 AM
Seems to me that just kicking them out would be good enough... excommunicate them. Why spend the resources on heresy trials?
Elaine \o/
Anonymous, at 6:41 AM
Perhaps they have 'due process' laws there too and want to avoid a law suit. :) And a trial is a good example to other heretics, eh?
Johnny, at 12:43 PM
Well, a trial can go either way and I have very little confidence these days that truth is always triumphant. Just like OJ getting off, the heretic clergy could end up being vindicated and the whole Church of England going down with a whimper. Guess I'm just cynical in my old age! lol
Have a great day John,
Elaine \o/
Anonymous, at 11:08 AM
At the time, I was glad OJ got off. I wasn't 100% convinced of his guilt then (I'm older and wiser now) and what I saw was a fiasco, that trial, and how inefficient and hammish the prosecutors were and what lengths they would go to in order to win. I wasn't sure that OJ was guilty then for I did think it possible, at that time, that the bad cops had planted evidence. While I feel sure now that OJ is guilty, I still think evidence may have been planted. I did not trust Fuhrman then and still don't and Vernatter.. what a disgrace.
But, guilty or not, every man/woman should have their day in court, else we have tyranny.
Charles, at 6:45 PM
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