Not MY job!
I have a wife, a housekeeper and a nanny so why am I working my butt off in this huge house? My wife had moved out but is currently moving back in. There are boxes everywhere and girly things I never knew what to do with in the first place. It seems the boxes multiply. I suspect she unpacks things from one box and puts them in another because she can't decide herself where they should go or because she thinks it's easier for me to carry 1,000 boxes than 100.
She is afraid to go to the attic. It's dark up there and there might be spiders, and isn't that the man's job.... going into attics, killing spiders, moving innumerable boxes? :) So the boxes-to-go-into-the-attic line is growing and growing. No, I'm not afraid of going into the attic myself. That's what extra large flash lights are for and why I sent the exterminator guy up there to replace all light bulbs a long time ago.
We all are supposed to 'pick up' for ourselves. It's not fair that the wife has to clean after everyone, and I hate hearing the 'that's not fair' line. The kids do a pretty good job, probably because I can carry out my spanking threats to them. The housekeeper does OK most of the time. After all, she is the housekeeper. However, she refuses to pick up after the nanny. She figures the nanny is just an employee like she is and can pick up after herself and the kids. That's what she gets paid for, right? I do not know how much I pay the housekeeper for figuring out what clothes belong to whom, who left that tea cup unwashed, who spilled crumbs on the floor and who is drinking straight out of the milk carton. She mumbles endlessly, 'who didn't wash the spoon' or some such thing. I probably pay as much for the mumbling as I pay her for what she actually does. I continue to pay though. Good help is hard to find.
The nanny speaks very little English. This was by design for I wish my kids to continue to be bilingual, at least. Actually, they speak English, Spanish and Portuguese. The nanny speaks Guatemalian Spanish as in ghetto spanish. I alone seem to totally understand her, but I'm at work a lot of the time, and there is no interpreter except for me. This leaves her with the wife, the housekeeper and the kids much of the time. If she does not want to 'pick up,' she doesn't and none of them understand her when she says 'not my job' or 'Dr. M. doesn't pay me enough to do that,' whatever. The kids not only speak great Spanish, but they have learned many new Spanish phrases for 'I don't know,' 'don't care,' or 'it will never happen in this life time.'
Last, but definitely not least, we have five dogs. Everyone knows it's the man's job to take care of the dogs' outside needs. But inside? Who lets them in anyway? How difficult is it to get the dog groomer and brush them before they sleep on my favorite chair? Oh, I forgot. 'Not MY job.'
It's a good thing I'm the man of the house and take care of things.
Oh, Johnny, not feeling to well this morning and I needed a good laugh. :) Sounds like you need help to organize your help.....LOL. ;)
Hugs, Jan
Anonymous, at 6:37 AM
You got that right. :) Sorry you're not feeling well, a cold?
Anonymous, at 6:47 AM
Oh my, sounds like you they've all got you twisted in knots Dr. McCormick! lol I sure hope you get this all straightened before you start you kingdom on that deserted island...
Have a great Thursday,
Elaine \o/
Anonymous, at 6:03 PM
lol Elaine.. long time since I gave thought to my kingdom. :) You have a good memory.
Johnny, at 6:42 PM
Household order is a slipperly slope. The house looks lovely in the morning. Then someone leaves a tea cup in the sink. The teacup serves as an invitation to the next person to leave something - and then it spirals on from there. One must train young children to clean up after themselves. I think wives often end up cleaning up after husbands because we want the house to look nice and they are off working.
The problem is, your housekeeper isn't as invested in the pride of having a lovely home. Your Nanny really should consider it her job to train the children to pick up after themselves and to set a good example by doing so herself, but she also doesn't prize a clean house the way a housewife might.
Your new wife my not have that sense of "house pride" yet. If you look at the situation, are you the person who is least comfortable with clutter, dust and mess? Are you the one who most wants a beatiful, clean, relaxing home? If so, it's often you who gets stuck dealing with this situation.
I suggest you buy this book for Caro. It has a nice chapter on dealing with household help and lots of information about organizing and cleaning a home properly. Even though her interest level in it might not be high, it's really motivating, and since she has paid help to do the work, all she has to do is supervise while you are gone to see that it happens and that everyone his doing his or her job.
Love Dana
Anonymous, at 1:29 AM
The book might help me; I doubt Caro would read it. My wife prefers not to supervise. She enjoys being one of those supervised. lol It is not that she doesn't want a lovely home, she just doesn't want to be in charge of the lovely home. She loves having help for it allows her to do all the other things she likes which housework would interfere with drastically. I knew that before we married, and it is OK with me really. It even has some advantages I won't go into here.
If it gets to be a serious problem, household disarray, it would be mine to solve. The children do pick up after themselves. I tend to treat the housekeeper and nanny as extended family members, not hired help. I could always hire a hired-help supervisor. :)
Johnny, at 6:32 AM
Or you could just hire someone to walk around and put stuff away all day, lol. Someone whose only job would be to do what no one else's job is:)
Anonymous, at 7:10 AM
That might be interesting. What would be his/her job title? :)
Johnny, at 10:30 AM
"Doormat" comes to mind... ;0)
Aravis, at 12:23 PM
lol Aravis... you are a naughty girl! :)
Johnny, at 12:56 PM
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