Remember this..
When you have been mistreated, it hurts. Especially if you've done nothing to deserve it. You feel it. You've been treated wrongly, and it stings.
But remember in the middle of all of it.. God hasn't left you. He hasn't forgotten you either. He understands the heartache brought on by the evil work of others. If you will allow it, if you will take your hurt to the Lord, you will find that a tender walk with Him will heal your pain, soothe your soul, and you will grow from the experience. Jesus is real, and you can know, present circumstances notwithstanding.
Cry out to God, as David once did, in PsalmsĀ 22:19 "But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me."
And He will.
But remember in the middle of all of it.. God hasn't left you. He hasn't forgotten you either. He understands the heartache brought on by the evil work of others. If you will allow it, if you will take your hurt to the Lord, you will find that a tender walk with Him will heal your pain, soothe your soul, and you will grow from the experience. Jesus is real, and you can know, present circumstances notwithstanding.
Cry out to God, as David once did, in PsalmsĀ 22:19 "But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me."
And He will.
I believe if a person can remove thier character in any giving situation and replace it with the character of Jesus and honestly say that the ' nothing ' they are being mistreated for or ' accused ' of is something that the character of ' Jesus ' could have said or done (actions) as far as His own character goes then they can ' rest ' in Jesus knowing they did or said ' nothing ' to deserve it. On the other hand didn't ' Jesus ' die on the cross for our ' sins' and in that we need to learn to ' forgive ' even those people that bring on heartache by ' evil ' least our own evil shows its face.
If we, as Christians, are walking in the footsteps of Jesus then how can we go wrong. To me its easy; what would Jesus do?
I've trusted people to easily only to see them come out like wolves in a circle of rules I will never understand. Its more about being right then showing love and forgiveness. However, its Jesus that has never failed me and Jesus that truly loves me like no other.
The older I get ,the harder life seems because none of us fall short of evil at any given moment. The Lord has humbled me in ways I never thought I would need it. Sometimes, its as if I have on these blinders over my eyes and then it happens; Jesus is right there sitting next to me and removes my blinders and yet He is holding my hand and loving me at the same time. Its left me to realize how my words and actions can harm/hurt another person and with that is the life lesson that there are two things in life we can't get back once they are gone.
1.) Words
2.) Time
I try to choose them both carefully as I am following in the footsteps of Jesus.
Ephesians 6:5-11... 6b,7) doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service,as to the Lord, and not to man.
A Humbled Follower of Jesus
Anonymous, at 12:31 PM
Sure needed that... He's right on time, as was your post.
SweetT, at 2:16 PM
Jesus loves you SweetT, as do I. :)
Anon., you're so right about the 'words and time.' Thanks for your thoughtful post.
Johnny, at 7:52 PM
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