It's still too cold here...
I'm sorry I'm a little behind on my blogging. I just returned from a short trip to Brazil. It was between 65 and 70 degrees warm. :) Part of the reason I was there was a conference about abortion. There were representatives of all viewpoints. While I have sympathy for women and ultimately think it should be her decision, I also think life begins at conception. While the Bible does not discuss abortion per se, it is not entirely silent on the subject. The scriptures say that God knew Esau in the womb. They say that John the Baptist stirred in his mother's womb when he heard about the impending birth of Jesus. Life is precious, whenever it starts. Ending a life at any time should be a very serious decision. I take a lot of flak for my position, and it's not an easy one for me. Some things cause deep emotional feelings in me. Abortion is one of them, so is the death penalty to which I'm opposed and homosexuality because I feel they have little or no choice about their preferences.
Having faith in God does not mean I have all the answers, and I do not wish to speak for or on behalf of others on any of these subjects. I take a stand when I can take a stand, when I am sure about something.
John McCain, Republican running for President, has changed his stance. He's gone from pro-choice to pro-life and now says Roe vs. Wade should be overturned. Mitt Romney, Mormon candidate, seems to have gone the opposite route. Because no one can know for certain, 100%, in many of these areas, I don't think the Presidency should be chosen based on their beliefs in those areas. Those are personal areas of life and faith. I will be very surprised if Roe vs. Wade is ever overturned. If it it, women will abort each other. There are many websites giving directions on the procedure.
Jg 13:7 "But he said unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing: for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb to the day of his death."
Having faith in God does not mean I have all the answers, and I do not wish to speak for or on behalf of others on any of these subjects. I take a stand when I can take a stand, when I am sure about something.
John McCain, Republican running for President, has changed his stance. He's gone from pro-choice to pro-life and now says Roe vs. Wade should be overturned. Mitt Romney, Mormon candidate, seems to have gone the opposite route. Because no one can know for certain, 100%, in many of these areas, I don't think the Presidency should be chosen based on their beliefs in those areas. Those are personal areas of life and faith. I will be very surprised if Roe vs. Wade is ever overturned. If it it, women will abort each other. There are many websites giving directions on the procedure.
Jg 13:7 "But he said unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing: for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb to the day of his death."
Hi Johnny,
Good to "read" you again. :) I appreciate you being honest about your thoughts on these lightning rod issues. People sure can get riled up about these topics and forget about feeding the poor or healthcare for all - issues I think Jesus would also think are important. Ultimately, we all have to answer to God for our own choices. I also believe life begins at conception but, as sad as it is, I don't believe that we can be anyone else's conscience and I certainly don't want the government telling me what I can and can't do. I learned my lesson long ago about voting based upon issues like these. Pete Wilson was running for Governor here in CA and said he was pro-life, as soon as I voted for him, he flipped over to pro-choice. Fool me once shame on you - fool me twice shame on me. Only God knows a person's heart and now I vote based upon concrete evidence and voting record ;)
Have a great day,
Elaine \o/
Anonymous, at 6:51 AM
Hello Elaine!
Congrats, John, on your book award in Rio which you modestly did not mention.
Abortion is a tough subject. I'm prolife and prochoice, believe she should have the choice but always hope for life for the child. I have many patients, though, who believe it would have been best had they been aborted. An unwanted, unloved child is an awful thing too.
Charles, at 8:22 PM
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